Thunder gave them two covered dishes of his favorite food and by blindly touching it, they have to pick what they will cook for him.
Joon goes first and he's convinced (with the help of G.O's side-comments) that Thunder might be tricking him; that there is something like a mouse in there. It's actually a live octopus and now I'm waiting to see Joon's reaction hehe
PS - I love how they're being called Village Idiots
LMAO! He just shrieked and pulled his hand out!! haha Joon from Ninja Assassin just shrieked like a girl because he touched something slimy!!
LOL they just smelled his fingers and he's asking if there's a person in there! Because it feels like a person's skin after they took a shower -_-
"Just be a man?"
Ex-cuuuse me, Joon! You weren't acting so manly yourself a few seconds ago!
HAHA G.O just lifted a tentacle and shrieked just as bad!
MAN, these boys are funny!
hehe Joon is freaking out because of G.O's scream...
heh heh...
Joon confidently announced that the other box contains fish just by smelling it but it actually contains chicken :P Owned.
haha he just felt it and it's definitely not fish. Hence, the shriek again :P
I'll stop here but it is official.
I am in love with Mir... ♥♥♥♥
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