Saturday, October 31, 2009

I was bored...

Okaaay so lotsa stuff happened from Monday up until now... Okay, truth - nothing much, but SOME cool stuff did so I might as well put it down so Woolly might read it and keep track of what's going on back here in li'l old SL :)

Monday: Can't really remember. Oh yeah, almost fell asleep during assembly. You know, with As(s)oka's lullaby voice... The chairs don't make it any better. Got a lecture on Swine Flu and studies.... booooring!!

Tuesday: Oh wow that was fun...
So it was my first day going home alone - by bus. I kinda hoped that Atheeq would walk home and that I could walk part of the way with him but he didn't stay after school and I did - for ELA. So Ash walked me to the bus stop. This was, I'm sure, the last time he'd ever do this for me. I was kinda picky - wanting one that was not full and one that was - I feel stupid for writing this - pretty... In the end, after waiting for twenty-five minutes, he pushed me onto one and I made it home...teehee

Eranda (commerce one) tried to get us to prank call the monk from the temple next door but we sorta said no... :P So he said he'd do it. So he called the monk's mobile (yeah, I know) but he wasn't answering. Eranda just went 'damn fool' and hung up. After that, he, me, Nathasha and Ash were just sitting around, laughing about that when Eranda just shouted out 'God, he's an idiot!' and also added (in Sinhala) 'He deserves to have his big bald head cracked open'. At this point, Mr Wasantha walks by... o_O
(And the monk is just seventeen and Eranda's BFF so he wasn't going to be cursed for saying that about him. No comment on us for laughing...sigh)

Ash calls Nutsy 'sideburns' and 'eyebrows' (inexplicable btw). Eranda calls her drama-queen. Ash got it aaawl mixed up and called her Beauty-Queen. Isn't that soo Ashan?

Somehow the stuff that happened this day - I seem to have forgotten

Screw this day. Mechanics paper screwed me! >:(

Prize Giving. Everyone was saying how they missed Julian when they read out his name and he didn't go up on stage. I was bitten by some insect in the dark and my knuckles were swollen for two days. There are rumours spreading that it was a cockroach - Erks!

TNL Onstage. Will skip that - too depressing


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